An elaborate cultivation
Committed to its safety and reliability / Engagement in JAS
In 1999, Japanese Agricultural Standards was newly revised, and because of that only organic JAS-certified products can be labeled “organic”.
Registered certification body which is screened and registered by MAFF certify products. The targets of JAS certification are managers of production process, manufacturers, subdivisions and importers.
Once a product has passed tests conducted by government-backed rating bureaus the JAS seal is appended to the product.
In addition, it is prohibited to sell agricultural products and processed foods as “Organic foods” with names such as “有機”,”Organic”, etc. without the Organic JAS logo.
“Everything about what we eat”
Igeta’s loyalty and pride for food safety and reliability.

The origin of organic JAS logo
This logo is inspired by a picture of sun, cloud and plants. The JAS originally covered only horticultural products such as fruit and vegetables, livestock feed and processed products of horticultural origin.
Principle of organic farm products
Organic food is food produced by methods that comply with the standards of organic farming. Standards vary worldwide, but organic farming features practices that cycle resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. Organizations regulating organic products may restrict the use of certain pesticides and fertilizers in the farming methods used to produce such products. Organic foods typically are not processed using irradiation, industrial solvents, or synthetic food additives.
Organic farm standard of production method
Organic farm products are made with natural fertility of agricultural soil. It may not be used chemical fertilizers, agricultural chemicals and genetically modified seeds.
Miyazaki Satsuki group
Environmentally compatible cultivation
There are a lot of tea farmers that work on organic and no pesticides cultivation in Miyazaki, not only us.
We have made a group “Satsuki” in order to share the knowledge so that we can improve the technology about organic farming.
In addition, this group has been building credibility for each other in order to give stable supply of safe products.
We have been continuing to make great efforts everyday.

We try to assimilate the greatest quantity of all the blessings of nature for working at organic growing method that is friendly to people and the environment. “Safe and reliability” is our keyword.
Information about organic certification
& Organic JAS annual survey completion
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